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Events & Press

We love to do events- readings, performances, fairs, expos, etc.. here are some we've done in the past and some we are scheduled to do in the future. for booking information please write mn@mothersnews.net.
also included in this list is notable press, interviews, appearances in other media, etc., because that's kind of like "an event". for ease of use, press clippings look like this.
please note that some of the events listed are in the future and some of them are in the past! some of them you can go to and some of them you either went or you didn't.
- 2016/05 Grace from MRR wrote up a nice blurb on MN for the zine "Cool Marriage", which you can read here (link) or here (screencap).
- 2016/01 I'm in Archie comics!!!! A dream come true!!!! more info, and pictures, here: http://rf5.org/blog/2016/01/13/im-in-archie/
- 2016/01 Mothers News is included in a great art show at the MIAM in France, of artwork from or associated with Providence. more info, and pictures, here: http://rf5.org/blog/2016/01/11/mothers-news-at-miam/
- 2015/11 guest appearance in Brian Chippendale's new book "Puke Force", as "Stranger's Nose". out now on Drawn & Quarterly
- 2015/11/07-08 I had a really nice time at Comic Arts Brooklyn, signing for a brief spell on Saturday at Mickey Zacchilli's table, and then moderating a talk on Sunday between Mickey, Brian Chippendale, and Sammy Harkham. Saturday was at Mt. Carmel Gymnasium, and Sunday's event was at The Wythe Hotel. The talk went pretty good as I recall. Someone shot a video but i don't think it's online yet, and i have no idea if it ever will be (and i'm not concerned). more info here: link.
- 2015/11/06-07 I performed in the third Bach To The Future event- a marathon celebration of the music of JS Bach, which went from 7pm Friday to 7am Saturday, at Manning Chapel, Brown University, Providence RI. this event was free, with free coffee. it was an extremely good event!!!!! I went on at 4am! here's a writeup of the 1st Bach To The Future event: link.
- 2015/10/04 had a great time at the Northampton Print & Book Fair, jamming with the beautiful people out there in a relaxed setting.
- 2015/09/09 "Olneyville Graffiti Report" from Mothers News 39 reprinted in an anthology made by the Frequency writing/teaching group. more info here.
- 2015/05/16 reading at a music show with Fountainsun (Dan Higgs + Fumie Ishii), Russian Tsarlag, and PVBLIC BATHS (Katrina from Groke / Rat Radio / Rot Fanzine). flyer here. alternate flyer here.
- 2015/03/29 official judge at the Providence Eggstravaganza 2015, a hard boiled egg eating contest dreamed up by Alex Tominsky (of Spiritual Recess). The winner was RRLEW, who ate 25 eggs! That's a "half Luke"!!! 0_o
- 2015/03/28-29 had a great time at the RIPE expo in Providence RI. :)
- 2015/03/09 guest spot on Remote Outposts, writing about Tracey Trance.
- 2015/03/05 "On Knives", contribution to Noö Weekly, curated by Madeline ffitch
- 2015/03/03 Jacob Khepler reading at Ada Books in Providence RI, with Madeline ffitch and Beth Nixon. 7pm. bring money.
- 2014/12/08 mutual interview with Mike Taylor at this Periscope event in Brooklyn, which is a district within New York City, in New York state. NB: Periscope is an ipad magazine, so its impossible for any good person to even look at it. But they did an article about Mike T, which was probably interesting.
- 2014/11/01 nice weird interview with Mothers News in the December issue of Maximumrockandroll magazine. read it online here. read this interview translated into japanese here: part 1, part 2, part 3. translation by mothersnewsjapan.tumblr.com, our japanese fanslation squad! thanks!!!!
- 2014/09/24 lecture and reception at the Baltimore School for the Arts, presented by the Contemporary (museum) and Open Space (gallery). free. http://www.contemporary.org/2014-09-24-jacobkhepler.html Baltimore MD. video of this event is here.
- 2014/9/5 nice interview posted on Sick Papes
- 2014/08/02-03 Rhode Island [Independent] Publishing Expo (RIPE) special guest! http://ripexpo.tumblr.com/ Providence RI
- 2014/06/07 Mothers News makes a guest appearance as a character in V Manuscript's "ARGOT OF INSCRIPTION - The Madness of the Canary II. Second House", the second of five self-published books that together will comprise a full novel. cool format!!! astute readers may recognize "Mother", a blathering NPC with interns trailing and note-taking, ensconsed in the publication of an insane newspaper. LOVE IT!! :)
- 2014/05 wrote the intro for Mickey Zacchilli's "RAV; 1st collection" on Youth In Decline press. With additional material by Mothers News art director Jackie H Curtiss.
- 2014/04/17 lecture / tour at RISD museum for RISD Design The Night Providence RI (facebook link). screencap of the description of the event from the facebook page, photo of the sign at the museum (via).
- 2014/04/04-05 Performing at Bach To The Future 2, a 12 hour Bach marathon (at 3:35am) curated by Sakiko Mori. (facebook link) pictures from this event here.
- 2014/03/04 judge at Providence Community Library's "Dear Diorama" Diorama competition, Rochambeau Library, Providence RI
- 2014/02/02 - 14/04/06 part of "Living as Form: the Nomadic Version", at the Carpenter Center for the Arts at Harvard University, Cambridge. picture of the gallery spiel, picture of the flowers they gave me at the afterparty, picture of a fan holding the newspaper in a gallery setting.
- 2014/01/10 - 14/02/28 - IN PRINT: Art Zines + Small Press at Work: Detroit.
- 2014/01/04 - Mothers News gets a nice write-up on the Paris Review website
- 2013/11/29 - Mothers News live silkscreening at Analog Underground, Providence RI. more
- 2013/10/28 - got a nice write up on Brian Nicholson's mostly-comics review blog Longbox Coffin
- 2013/08/06-11 - Mothers News curates a week of activities at the RISD Museum, including performances by Joseph Buzzell, Carlos Gonzalez, Jacob Khepler, Mickey Zacchilli, Katrina Clark, and Scott Reber (work/death). about. also. also.
- 2013/08/08 - lecture at the RISD Museum- Jacob Khepler, Mothers News- "Stochastic Processes in Contemporary Publishing and the Other Kind" more
- 2013/05/9-10 - special guest at the Baltimore Print and Multiples Fair. lecture "Mothers News: A Brief History Of America's Greatest Newspaper". more
- 2013/01/31 - CF solo show "Comics" at Beginnings-NYC gallery in New York City, NY, containing originals of his Mothers News comic strip Monorail High. website, video (vimeo, 10m41s)
- 2012/12/18 - Jacob Khepler reading at Wayfarer's Gallery in New York City, NY, with Mike Taylor and Erick Lyle. Release party for Scam #9.
- 2012/09/13 - Mothers News benefit show at AS220 with Keith Fullerton Whitman, Noise Nomads, Angst Hase Pfeffer Nase, Russian Tsarlag, and DJ Work/Death. more. and.
- 2012/09/07 - Mothers News art show at Space 1026 in Philadelphia PA. more
- 2012/06/14 - nice lil writeup on Mothers News at Printeresting. link
- 2012/06/09 - nice interview with MN in the Providence Phoenix link
- 2012/05/04 - Mothers News release party at AS220, with WRECK ROOM, MINCEMEAT OR TENSPEED, and STYK. more
- 2012/04/03 - Mothers News reading at AS220 with Sam MacPheeters, V Manuscript, and Katrina Clark. more
- 2012/03/19 - Mothers News spotted on Tavi Gevinson's shelf in this video (thank you to Olivia for spotting this!!!!!!). screenshot, video.
- 2012/03/02 - Mothers News wins a New England Art Award for "best book 2011". link
- 2012/01/18 - wrote up a Best of 2011 for the Boston Hassle link
- 2012/01 - wrote up an essay on the character "Monkey", for the newspaper Happiness Pony out of Worcester MA, as part of a 4-part series they did that also included Hermes, Barnum, and Legba. read online here.
- 2011/12/03 - Mothers News and friends tabling at Brooklyn Comics and Graphics Festival. more
- 2011/11/26 - wrote up a Providence Scene Report for the Comics Journal website. link
- 2011/11/11 - Mothers News makes a guest appearance (on the desk) in "Ebert Presents: At The Movies". screenshot, video.
- 2010/09/23 - reading with Erick Lyle at the Lucy Parsons Center in Boston MA
- 2010/07/24 - reading with Erick Lyle, Jeff Miller, and Walker Mettling, at Sine Cera Gallery in Providence